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Toddler Learning Themes: Butterflies


Toddler Learning Themes: Butterflies

3/20- 3/26

Let’s Make This Simple!

Free Week of Activities Printable HERE!

Free Butterfly Themed Activities/Worksheets HERE!

Butterflies have always been one of my favorite concepts to teach littles! The beauty, the symmetry, the life cycle- so many amazing concepts bundled into one amazing creature!

This upcoming week, we are going to highlight tons of amazing creators and crafters and guide you through having a simple, purposeful and wonderful week with your children!

Our intention here- choose one new activity for the week, or one a day. Whatever works best with your schedule. We don’t want this post to be a chore to read, so we plan to use it as a hub for the gems of creators out there that we find ourselves going to for perfect activities.


Butterfly Printable Pack- We’ve curated some of our favorite activities into this one free packet here! Print and have fun! Perfect morning work activities.

Caterpillar Pattern Match! Creator-

Materials: Paper with caterpillar drawn onto it/ dot markers or dot stickers

Create the first few circles of the caterpillar’s body with a specific pattern and then have your little one finish the pattern with dot markers, stickers or items.

Butterfly Sensory Bin:

Use any filler you are comfortable with and create a fun butterfly home! You can use the puzzle pieces from our printable pack, or add in any items you already have! We’ll be using butterfly shaped pasta as our filler!

Pipe cleaner Butterflies: Creator-

Materials: Pipecleaners and beads- always only do these activities with direct supervision!

Caterpillar to Butterfly: Creator- Mama Smiles

Materials: Toilet Paper Roll, Egg Carton Strip, Coffee Filter or tissue paper

Create your egg carton strip to look like a caterpillar.

Attach the coffee filter to the back of the caterpillar and wrap the sides around the caterpillar.

Place the wrapped caterpillar into the toilet paper roll.

Butterfly Color Matching: Creator- Fun Learning For Kids

Materials: Construction Paper

Create different colored circles for the body of the caterpillar. Glue the caterpillar body to a piece of construction paper. Have your little one rip up matching pieces of paper for each part of the body.

Then have your child glue the ripped up pieces to the correct corresponding color.


Butterfly Balloon Challenge: Creator- The educator’s spin on it

Materials: Balloon with butterfly drawn on with permanent marker, vinegar, baking soda, water bottle, tray, funnel, safety goggles

Draw the butterfly onto the balloon.

Fill the water bottle half way with vinegar.

Fill the balloon with baking soda using the funnel. 1-2 spoonfuls works fine.

Attach the balloon to the open water bottle and watch the reaction occur!

*Extra fun, you can draw a caterpillar on the other side for a fun surprise.

Life Cycle Hat:

Materials: Construction paper, and you can use the printable life cycle page from our packet

Measure the construction paper so that it will fit your child’s head! Add the pictures of the butterfly life cycle. Glue the construction paper so that it will fit your child’s head!

Chromatography Butterflies: Creator- 123 Homeschool for me

Materials: coffee filter, magic markers, clothes pin, water spritzer

This one is so much fun!

Keeping it simple- draw circles with different colors onto the coffee filter.

Fold the filter in half, and then in half again.

Place the tip of the filter into a glass of water, and watch the water rise!

Once the water has traveled up the entire filter, open and let dry.

Once it is dry, you can place the clothespin in the center of the filter to create two wings on either side!

Pollination Activity- Creator-


Macaroni and cheese powder

Paper plate

Pipe cleaner

Paper flower

Juice box

Hand lens

Directions for this are located at aroundthekampfire’s blog and she provides the best pictures!

Books: Amazon Associate Links Included Here


Butterfly snack bags- Creator: Positively Splendid



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