Let’s be real!
If it isn’t easy to grab, you aren’t going to do it.
That’s just the reality of the situation.
We are busy.
Meltdowns happen.
You can’t find what you know you bought at target last week…
The craft closet is a nightmare.
We have ALL been here!
Okay, okay, a little too real…
Take a deep breath. We’ve got you covered.
Holiday Themed Craft Bins.

Step 1: The Space
In your mind, I want you to visualize a space where you do activities with your little one. And if you haven’t started yet, think about where your toddler could work in a safe environment.
For us, we have our tower’s where they work at the kitchen counter (mostly for baking, and water based activities). Then a space in the play area where there is a small toddler table for arts and crafts.
Now, I want you think about a place where you can store a bin. Something very close by that toddler space so that you will actually grab it.
We have a cabinet that we emptied out next to the sink. It works because it is literally right next to the tower.
Now, think about that space and the size of the bin/bins that would fit there. Home goods, target dollar spot or even amazon would be perfect for sourcing these bins. Nothing fancy. Just something easy to grab and large enough to hold paper.
Step 2: Materials
Now here’s the fun part. Hop on pinterest and create a holiday craft board for the next upcoming holiday. You can skip right over valentine’s day and start with st. patrick’s day if you want to give yourself a little time to set this up!
You’ll notice as your pinning that so many of the crafts contain the same materials. Construction paper, glue sticks, elmers glue, popsicle sticks, crayons, markers, googly eyes, cotton balls, water color paints, paint brushes, glitter and holiday stickers.
Some other items to include:
Plastic table cloth
Dot markers
You can totally source these on amazon, or like we said before, target always has a great collection.
You’ll be able to use the majority of these resources throughout the year. The only aspect that you’ll really change are the holiday based elements, like the stickers, cutouts, or glitter.
Rocket science, right?
We know. This sounds so simple, but if you haven’t already created a space that homes your holiday materials, trust us, it is going to change the game.

Easy Crafting-
Because sometimes we don’t have time to hop on pinterest and make that perfect craft. But you CAN pull out your holiday craft bin, and let their imaginations go wild with the easy and age appropriate materials that are already all in one place.
Once that holiday is over, grab the holiday based materials, pop them into a ziplock bag, label it with the holiday and place it in a storage bin, ready to grab for the next year!
We would love to see your holiday themed toddler bins! So be sure to tag us on instagram @wonderandwhimsy_co
