Happy February!
We wanted to share some of the behind the scene details of our upcoming Valentine’s breakfast for the girls on Friday.
Our little ones are 2.5 and 15 months, so we are talking little, but we still try to make our moments as special and age appropriate as possible!

*Prints for Valentine's Day Breakfast for Kids Here in our Etsy Shop!
Let’s be real-
So the reality of the situation is that whenever you are doing something that isn’t part of the normal routine, you should always know that to have a successful moment, keep the expectations low, the kids well fed, and the time increments per activity on the lower side too. Like a breakfast might be ten minutes. Or the activities might happen throughout the morning and not all in one sitting.
What does this look like?
For us, it’s about exposure, building vocabulary and experience around holidays, birthdays, or even topics. This means filling our bookshelves with the current topics we are talking about, and including the topic into our interactive play as much as possible.
If we have a family event, or something new coming up, we always try to practice what they might experience, like unwrapping presents, giving gifts, using our manners… things like that.
Tip 1:
One of the best forms of modeling these types of skills is through doll play. Toddlers can learn so much using this strategy- prep them for any new skill by demonstrating what will happen to dolly first. If you want to work on sitting for story time, show them how dolly sits with quiet hands, and listening ears. If you want to work on a craft, show them how dolly listens to the directions first, and then can complete the task. This helps them take accountability and help them feel proud, instead of unsure and hesitant when trying something new.
Tip 2:
Practice the activity. If you know that they are going to be experiencing something new, set up a station for their morning play where they can practice that specific skill in isolation.
Valentine’s Day Breakfast Activity Ideas!
1. Hat Crafting. Grab your color construction paper, pompoms, yarn, and cut out hearts to create the perfect paper crowns for the girls. You can literally give them anything to glue on and they will love it!
2. Make waffles together. Baking is an awesome activity to involve your little one in. Because these skills may be new to your little one, keep the directions simple, the ingredients low key, and model step by step what you would want them to accomplish. Have all of the ingredients already ready on a tray, with the plastic bowl/measuring cup that you know would be safe if it comes crashing to the floor. Have towels, and even a floor mat to keep the area simple to clean. You can do a scratch recipe, or simply use a box. It literally makes zero difference to your toddler and they will be so proud to be able to make something for their family.

3. Valentine cards! Same as above. Grab your craft materials that you like to use (we keep ours in a bin, and I just change them out based on the holiday). I like to set up these activities in little stations. That way they can move locations, helping them realize this is a new thing, new expectations and the boredom doesn’t lead to an unsuccessful moment. Model how you would make a valentine card and who you will give it to and encourage them to do the same.
4. Cookie decorating! Again if you are a pro baker and love scratch recipes, you can totally bake the cookies with your little one in place of the waffles, and once they cool, break out the fun icings, sprinkles and decorating tools. OR if you are looking for a simpler way, grab those cute sugar cookies that are already baked, and the activity simply becomes the decorating! Place the cookies on a plastic tray, or even on a plastic tablecloth that is easy to wipe down. Sometimes our girls will take a bite, and sometimes it's more about the experience especially because they are so little.
5. Valentine’s day science! You can create your own love potion volcano! This one is always a hit! You can create a volcano out of clay/playdough, or simply pour the baking soda and vinegar into a toddler safe cup to be the volcano. Pour in your baking soda, then your red food dye, and finally the vinegar to watch the volcano happen!